Enhanced Septic System Treatment

Posted in: Company Update, Latest News, Study Review

Non-Optimal septic system? ClearPod scientifically validated at Barnstable Test Facility

In rural areas of the developed world almost all domestic wastewater is disposed of and partially treated using in-ground septic tank systems. In the U.S. and Canada approximately 25% of households have a septic system for treating wastewater. These systems typically fail after 20 – 30 years of operation, equating to over one million septic systems failing each year in the U.S. alone.

Standard septic system technology functions by settling solids from the waste water stream in an anaerobic environment. By not correctly maintaining or increasing the designed loading to the system raises the risk of failure dramatically. An non-optimal septic system can result in the development of a potential health hazard, and contamination of local water supplies.

 Non-enhanced Septic System



Current solutions for the replacement or repair of non-optimal septic systems can become a significant cost burden for the homeowner. The ClearPod solution is designed as the low-complexity, robust solution for enhancing and restoring the performance of existing septic systems.



ClearPodTM technology is designed as a drop-in retro-fit solution to enhance septic system performance. Leveraging an aerobic, fixed film treatment process the system aims to increase the performance of the system by reducing soluble BOD concentrations in the wastewater effluent.


In the continued scientific validation of the ClearPod technology we have most recently installed a test system at the Barnstable Test Facility (Massachusetts, USA). For this study we have compared the performance of a test a control septic system to determine the performance standards of a ClearPod retrofit solution. The results presented below describe the first 3 months of performance.


BOD TSS Results September

After an inoculation period of approximately 30 days, the Clear Pod technology clearly demonstrates a stable effluent from the septic tank of less than 30 mg/L BOD and TSS.

Ponding Results September

The second test for the system is to calculate the impact the effluent streams from a test and control system have on the leech-field performance. This “ponding” study is designed to predict when the hydraulic flow through the leech field is being impeded – this indicates when septic system failure can occur.


The results to date can clearly demonstrate improved hydraulic (liquid) flow through the leech-field attached to the ClearPod system. This indicates the benefit a ClearPod system can have on a septic system that is impacted by poor drainage and one where ponding events are occurring.


The study is anticipated to continue for an additional 3 – 6 months of operation.